About Us
Raptor Rescue – the leading specialist Bird of Prey Rehabilitation Charity
Raptor Rescue was founded in 1978 by a group of falconers in the North West of England concerned that there was no recognised specialist organisation able to treat the large number of sick or injured Birds of Prey that came into care.
Since inauguration, Raptor Rescue has evolved into the UK’s foremost organisation dedicated to ensuring all sick and injured Birds of Prey are cared for by suitably qualified people and wherever possible released back into the wild. In the intervening years Raptor Rescue has moved from being a group of concerned individuals to become a Registered Charity, number 283733, with a board of Trustees responsible for control and management.
Since it was set up Raptor Rescue has continued to grow steadily and has been instrumental in caring for and rehabilitating many thousands of Birds of Prey by establishing a national network of rehabilitators and experienced carers to undertake the demanding task of treating the birds that come into care each year.
The main aims of Raptor Rescue are:
- To promote high standards of rehabilitation and care for birds of prey.
- To treat and rehabilitate raptors as quickly and efficiently as possible.
- To establish centres of excellence for rehabilitation throughout the UK and Ireland.
- To ensure that raptor casualties are handled by competent people.
- To correctly diagnose and treat any ailment, seeking veterinary advice as necessary.
- To provide adequate and suitable housing during essential confinement.
- To comment, as a body, on any impending government legislation relating to raptors.
- To collate and store relevant information and data for future reference.
- To provide specialist training and awareness courses.
- To provide a central source of emergency assistance for the public.
In pursuing these aims Raptor Rescue places great emphasis upon conservation and raising public awareness of our native raptor species, and also provides financial support to established rehabilitators to assist with collection and treatment of birds, purchase of specialist equipment and veterinary costs.
The Trustees and rehabilitators from Raptor Rescue maintain close working relationships with a wide range of organisations including British Trust for Ornithology, Independent Bird Register, RSPCA, RSPB, Wildlife Centres, the Police, local Veterinary Surgeons, DEFRA, Scottish SPCA and the Hawk Board.
Raptor Rescue provides direct assistance to the public who may find an injured or sick Bird of Prey through:
Raptor Rescue National Help and Advice Line on: 07462 463722